pondělí 12. dubna 2010

Thoughts and moments of the day

Objevila jsem někde pár myšlenek kterými jsem se nechala inspirovat. Tentokrát jen v angličtině. Enjoy :)

Outside my window... darkness (it is night!) and other buildings

I am thinking... about people I am thankful for and I am praying for

I am thankful... for my awesome roommates, for people in our youth group, for my church, for His neverending love

From the kitchen...
is going nothing right now. But there´s a great cake which Lenka did!

I am wearing...
night suit! It means - T-shirt and shorts

I am reading...
Bible. Hebrew 11:1 (it is awesome!)

I am creating...
something like plan for my life

Around the house...
is everything quiet and from time to time I can hear the church bell

One of my favourite things... feeling that God is near no matter how bad the circumstances seem to be.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
visiting my sick friend, making homeworks for school - english and european union and going to CBV (yeah!) :)

A picture I am sharing...
me and my new roommates! I love them so much. They are just awesome.